Why I'm not Catholic
It's hard to call myself Catholic , at least as it's understood in the treacherous, deceitful, dark, and perverted way it is being viewed, and in so many ways proven to be, in the US right now. Even if it weren't riotingly painful for me to discuss the sex abuse scandals, there are so many infuriating discussions right now that warrant otherwise. Needless to say, one of them is the virtual civil war dividing cardinals, bishops, priests, and lay people alike in declaring the issue to be latent homosexuality, instead of sick, pedopheliac perversions as they actually are (or just plain ol' hetero perversions that we're all far too familiar with). And blaming any and all popes, especially Pope Francis, in a terribly obvious ploy for power and attention. Amidst these discussions are the random shouts of declaration that "These terribly treacherous things are not why I'M Catholic!" Maybe I'm just embittered (if I'm honest, there's no maybe abo...